Jackson-Brown Associates Inc | SERVICES
Serving the non-profit sector since 1989. Bringing your vision to life.
Serving the non-profit sector since 1989. Bringing your vision to life.
Serving the non-profit sector since 1989. Bringing your vision to life.
Serving the non-profit sector since 1989. Bringing your vision to life.
Serving the non-profit sector since 1989. Bringing your vision to life.
Thinking About a Project?
Jackson-Brown Associates can help you in the vision-stage of your project by conducting:
- Capital project feasibility studies to determine whether a development is viable
- Visioning exercises with staff and management to determine a long-term plan for your organization’s facilities
- Functional and spatial analyses to examine your organizations activities, staffing, space requirements, and optimal adjacencies for good workflow and collaboration
- Funding applications to donors and government funders